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What We Do

Services we provide

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Tuition Classes

This is specially designed for parents who want their child to be served with extra care and nurture. We not only help the child with homework but also teach them about the roots, principles and values.

VNR Day Care Center

A home away from home. The growth and development of a child occur in the first few years of their life. Here at VNR, we provide a homely environment to toddlers, preschoolers, and school-aged children.

Dance classes

Enjoyment is still in cards of the little toddler with lots of dancing and fun with their peers and teachers. This helps them open up to the environment.

Story telling

We make children learn through visual content and images that help them to directly connect to the thoughts and understand things better.


Interactive sessions are taken up to develop the communication and interacting skills at an early stage.


A Child is made to learn basic values such as caring and sharing.

What We Do

Services we provide

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Full Day Session

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Table/Floor Toys

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Outdoor Games

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Outdoor Games

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Benefits we provide

Why You should like Vatsalyam

Young children learn via experience. At VNR, we let them have fun and find ways in which they can engage in the learning process through a-variety-of activities. They will be ready to begin learning by simply listening to and observing.
